
ConfirmationConfirmation is our Wednesday night, Peace Juniors youth group, open to all students in 6th, 7th, & 8th grade. Those attending Confirmation desiring to become confirmed members in the Lutheran Church can apply to become Confirmation Students the beginning of their 6th grade year, which entails additional accountability and responsibilities as they participate in our Confirmation youth group.  When Confirmation students complete their three years of confirmation, they make a public confession of their faith in Jesus as their Lord and Savior. For more details, check out our 2018-2020 PJ Confirmation Manual.

In short, confirmation is for any 6th, 7th, or 8th grader! While there are those going through the PJ Confirmation with the intention of confirming their faith, PJ Confirmation is also our Wednesday night junior high youth group. Whether your 6th, 7th, or 8th grader desires to be confirmed or not, they are still welcome to come grow in their walk with Jesus, connect with other believers their own age, and connect with adult, Christian mentors as they learn to live out their faith in our culture.

PJ Confirmation basically follows the school year (Sept – early May) Currently we meet Classroom B in the lower level on Sunday mornings 9:15a – 10:15a.  

We explain the process in greater detail and answer any questions before students being their first session of the year.

The Rite of Confirmation is the last full weekend in October of the PJ Confirmation student’s 9th grade year. In other words, the weekend of Reformation Sunday! It includes handing in their Statement of Faith projects and a celebration banquet on Saturday. On Sunday, students present their Statement of Faith projects in the Parish Hall from 9:15-10:15AM, then go through the Rite of Confirmation during the 10:30AM worship service.

Luther’s Small Catechism, a book written by Martin Luther as an instructional piece for families to use to explain the Christian faith as taught in the Bible. It is the main text year one of confirmation, with the Bible as the primary focus for the second year. As a gift, Peace Lutheran provides a copy of Luther’s Small Catechism to each 6th grade student.

At Peace we generally use  the English Standard Version (ESV) Bible. These are the Bibles you find in our classrooms and pews, and are the translations you see in our hymnals, catechism, and the translation we read in worship.

The leaders of confirmation are our pastors and experienced middle school leaders.  Our Director of Student Ministry and our Senior Pastor are also responsible for administering our entire confirmation program.


Questions about confirmation at Peace can be directed to our Director of Student Ministries or any one of the pastors by phoning the church office, 303-424-4454.