
Get involved to share your talent! There are many opportunities to serve in many levels. Jump right in where your passion leads you.

How Can I Serve Ministries & Organizations (PDF) >>

There are many opportunities to volunteer at the church:

Sign up for an Elder Duty

Spiritual Gifts Assessment

Wishing to serve, but don’t know what your Spiritual Gifts are?

Take this Spiritual Gifts Assessment to find out. It is just 60 questions and takes about 15 minutes to complete. Click THIS LINK to take the test or contact Pastor Tim Lindeman for a printed copy.

Please see “How Can I Serve Ministries & Organizations” (PDF) for the complete list >>

In the Church

Caring Ministries

Provides physical and spiritual care in a variety of ways.

 Tim Lindeman

A team of trained people who help our ill or shut-in members through visits, phone calls, prayers, comfort, etc.

Keith & Donna Brooks 303-478-1205

Mike & Linda Reifer 720-413-8235

Judy Niewedde 949-422-9747

A team who cares for all aspects of the columbarium at Peace, answers questions on the burial of ashes, assists families with the legal steps required, and promotes the use of the columbarium as an option after cremation.

Todd Nichols

Meeting weekly on Thursday evenings, Divorce Care is regarded nationally as one of the best Christian recovery programs involving 13 weeks of lessons and support.

Social Ministry Hotline
303-424-4454 x 40

Peace Lutheran has a fund administered by the Social Ministry Committee that is meant to assist members of Peace who have a temporary financial need. In strict confidence, the committee considers requests on a case-by-case basis.

Cathy Mayer                                                                                                                                    303-748-1685

Purchase items for lunch or refreshments at the church for the family and friends of the deceased following a funeral or memorial service.


Stacey Moler

Coordinates volunteers to serve lunch or refreshments at a memorial service and general clean-up afterwards.

Steve Taylor

Meeting weekly on Saturday mornings, Grief Share is regarded nationally as one of the best Christian recovery programs involving 13 weeks of lessons and support.

Kim Buehler

A Stephen Minister provides one-on-one care to a person going through a life crisis. Training required.

More information (PDF) >>

Fellowship Ministries

Promotes opportunities to join together in fellowship and service.

Lydia Massie

Peace Lutheran Church Family Events are held two or three times a year. Events are designed to bring the “family of Peace” and the community together for fun or service…or both!

Church Office


Fellowship, fun activities, outings and occasional service opportunities for those age 55 or older. Friends! 55+ events are scheduled every other month and are open to everyone. Normally, advance sign-up is requested for activities.

Madalyn Evans

Track and purchase kitchen supplies, which may be used by any organization of the church. Care for the church kitchen.

Church Office


Assist in coordinating Lenten dinner, church picnics, potlucks, catered events, celebration dinners, bake sale, and decorating for holidays or special events. Parish Fellowship also hosts occasional Sunday coffee and treats. Fun way to serve!

Harriet Oehlkers

Opportunities for travel are offered for education, enjoyment of other parts of the world, and Christian fellowship.

Office Ministries

Opportunities to support the day-to-day operations of the church.

Church Office

Friendly people to answer phones in the office when secretarial staff is in meetings. 2–3 hour shifts. May also be asked to help with miscellaneous office projects.

Church Office

Be a part of one of our Hospitality Teams and help welcome people to our church.

  • Greeters – give a friendly welcome to those entering the building for worship and assist them in finding their way around the building.
  • Information Center Attendants – assist guests in learning more about Peace and providing printed and verbal information as well as directions.

Church Office

Volunteers are needed to assemble weekly worship bulletins. Bulletins are assembled each Thursday morning. Periodically, other publications are assembled as necessary.

Stewardship Ministries

Promotes giving of time, talent, and treasure. Records and tracks giving.

Church Office

Coordinate efforts to preserve, restore, and continue the ongoing process of recording the history of Peace Lutheran Church.

Cathy Pierson

Volunteers serve on a team that records the giving and mails statements to contributors. Also work with distribution of offering envelopes annually.

Cathy Pierson

Work in teams of 2 to count and deposit the weekly offering on a rotating schedule.

Earl Katt                                                                                                                                                      303-472-8941

A group of elected individuals (2-year term) who oversee and report on the Mission Trust Fund of Peace Lutheran Church. This fund is dedicated to spending the interest only of a trust fund that supports missions of the Church.

Kelsey Wilbern

Take a Spiritual Gifts Inventory either online at or pick-up a copy at the Life Groups counter and discover the ministry and mission God has designed for you!
Keith Stechmesser

Thrivent is a faith-based, member owned financial services organization providing comprehensive financial planning for individuals and charitable organizations. As a non-profit fraternal organization, Thrivent members help choose where the tax savings dollars are placed, distributing annually over $5,000,000 in the Rocky Mountain Region through Thrivent Choice, Local Chapters and Regional Projects. Free seminars on a variety of topics. (see also under Auxiliary Ministries)

Worship Ministries

Opportunities to serve in the worship services at Peace.

Church Office

Light/extinguish altar candles, participate in processionals/recessionals, and help with communion as scheduled. Students Grade 5 and older.

Sharon Nigh

Prepares communion and altar for worship as scheduled. This is a very special opportunity to care for the elements of God’s Table.

Kevin Sage
text: 303-949-8331

A team to change the large chancel banners following the church liturgical calendar and as requested.

Church Office

Volunteers to help coordinate and attend to seasonal decorations, and plant care in the sanctuary.

Tim Lindeman

Volunteers to help organize and care for costumes and props used in dramatic portrayal in worship or theater productions at Peace.

Dave Smith

Men who will assist the pastors in worship related matters and in several functions during worship as well as the spiritual care of members. Serve on the Board of Elders.

Church Office

Assist the pastor after each service to take notes for them as people exit the worship service and relay information (prayer needs, etc.).

Tim Lindeman

Men available during the daytime to bring the sacrament of Holy Communion to the homebound in coordination with the pastors and office staff.


Volunteers to oversee regular attention to the robes worn by the acolytes and pastors, dry cleaning, and replacing as needed.

Jill Schroeder-Dorn
303-424-4454 x 21

Volunteer to run the soundboard or video screens for worship services (including funerals and weddings) as scheduled. Training available.

Church Office   303-424-4454

Greet worshipers, hand out bulletins, seat people as needed, count worshipers, receive offerings, clean up after service, collect attendance slips, etc.

Lauren VonRentzell

Assist the couple in all details of wedding rehearsal and ceremony at Peace.

Youth Ministries

Opportunities for Bible study, fellowship, and service for Middle, High School and College Age students and their friends.

Lauren Von Rentzell

Help with planning and hosting events for college-age students, holiday get-togethers, mission trips, Bible studies and service opportunities.

Lauren Von Rentzell

Bible studies, fellowship, activities, and various service projects. Meet Wednesdays, Sunday mornings, and monthly on Sunday evenings or as scheduled.

Lauren Von Rentzell

Prepare (fundraising, training and fellowship) for a summer mission trip. Mission experience may be tied in with attendance at the National Youth Gathering on selected years.

Lauren Von Rentzell

Bible studies, fellowship, activities, and service projects. Meets once a month.

Lauren Von Rentzell

Adults who works alongside the Director of Student Ministries in assisting with events of these age groups.

Education Ministries

Provides Christian Education for people of all ages.

Kelsey Wilbern

Variety of Adult Bible studies offered on Sundays and throughout the week. Check our church website at and the weekly prayer page for current studies available. Suggestions for new topics of study are always welcome.

Guy Roberts

The Adult Discipleship Team serves alongside the Pastor in planning and implementing education opportunities, seminars, growth tools, and a discipleship process that moves adults along in their spiritual growth.

Lydia Massie

Team assists the Director of Children’s Ministry with planning and implementing events for children throughout the year.

Pr Tim Lindeman

Assist in the classroom or preparing for Confirmation day. Commitment is one night a week on Wednesday evenings September – April to help prepare grades6, ,7 and 8 for the Rite of Confirmation.

Pr Tim Lindeman

Assist in the classroom in preparation for receiving the sacrament for 5th and 6th grade students. This is a four session course and is offered each spring.

Lydia Massie

Kingdom Quest is designed for Toddlers–Grade 5. Children meet on Sunday mornings for action-packed lessons using large group and small group interaction, puppets, music and experiential learning to grow as members of God’s Kingdom. Volunteers for large group leaders and small group shepherds are welcome.

Pr Tim Lindeman

Students in grades 6-8 gather on Sunday mornings to continue learning about their faith they received in baptism through hearing and learning the story of God’s people and how they fit in the story.

Beth Nagy

The church library offers over 4,000 volumes for adults, youth, and children. It includes Bible reference books, fiction and non-fiction books, as well as DVD selections. Assists people using the library and also cares for the resources.


Life Groups consist of groups of people connecting around the common purpose of experiencing life together in Christ. Emphasis in groups can be Bible study, a common area of interest, service to church or community, or a combination.

Guy Roberts-adults

Lauren Von Rentzell-youth

Lydia Massie-children

Midweek Connections is an opportunity to gather for Christian fellowship and growth. All ages meet on Wednesdays, 6–7:00p. Included are service opportunities, Kids’ Club, classes for youth and adults. Meal served earlier.

Lydia Massie

A week-long summer opportunity to reach children of our congregation and our community with God’s love for them. Bible stories, crafts, dramas, mission projects, games, snacks, music and praise! Volunteers needed to assist in all areas.

Music Ministries

Opportunities to use musical talents in praise and worship of our God.

Jill Schroeder-Dorn

303-424-4454 x21

Accompany choirs as they prepare and perform music or serve as musical leader for worship. Do you have these talents? Please share! 

Jill Schroeder-Dorn
303-424-4454 x21

Variety of music for worship and festival services. Practice Wednesday nights as scheduled.

Cindy Stechmesser

Handbell Choir for adults. Choir performs for worship. Practice Monday evenings twice a month.

Jill Schroeder-Dorn
303-424-4454 x21

Jill Schroeder-Dorn
303-424-4454 x21

Assist in leading contemporary worship. Practice independently, and rehearse together on Wednesday nights and Sunday mornings or as scheduled.

Worship Team

Prayer Ministries

Pray for needs of the church and its members as well as our community. Promotes active prayer life.

Barb Armstrong

Prayer teams are called upon to pray for special needs. Daytime and evening teams.

Church Office

This weekly addition to our Sunday bulletin lists specific requests of members for prayer, lists who is currently hospitalized, serving in the military, etc. The page is intended for all to take home and use throughout the week as personal prayer reminders.

Church Office

Meet with the pastors prior to worship services to pray over them, pray for the congregation and the morning message. Group meets Sunday mornings in Pastor Guy’s office before services.

Church Office

Portals of Prayer (published quarterly for all ages), My Devotions (published quarterly – written for children), and a variety of printed tracts addressing different life issues are available in the lobby areas of the church. Please ask if you can’t find something.

Property Management Ministries

Oversees the maintenance of the physical property and grounds of Peace Lutheran Church.

Kent Patton

Members are encouraged to adopt one of the many islands in our parking lots and attend to the shrubs, eliminate weeds, and straighten loose rock to keep the adopted island and our property attractive.

Kent Patton

Taking care of God’s House! Help with maintaining and care of the church facility, building upkeep, grounds, painting, and van maintenance. Some projects can be done by individuals, families or our Life Groups. Other projects are accomplished by a larger group on a sponsored workday. (1st Saturday of the month)

Kent Patton

Volunteers with experience in addressing situations that could prove unsafe for people in the church building, knowledge of emergency procedures, and help in maintaining a welcoming and safe environment at Peace, especially on Sunday mornings and Wednesday evenings.

Women’s Ministries

Empowering women to Reach Our Community with Christ through Women’s Circles, Lutheran Women In Mission, Service Groups, Bible Study, Life Groups, Special Events, and much more! 

Megan Eiseman

An annual evening of candlelight, devotion and dessert. Preparing our own hearts for Christmas and an opportunity for outreach by inviting friends and neighbors. Team meets August through November for planning.

Beth Nagy

  • Meets the 2nd Monday of each month at 9a in the church library.
  • Projects: Provides library service to the congregation with appropriate books and DVDs. Process all purchased and donated books, videos, CDs, and gifts. Religious books, greeting cards, napkins and gifts are available for sale. Assist in the library on Sunday mornings between services.

Judy Niewedde

  • Meets the 1st Tuesday of each month at 1:30p at the church. No meetings July, August, and September.
  • Projects: Deliver church flowers to shut-ins. Help with needs at Christmas and mission support in a variety of ways.

Madalyn Evans

Create and serve light meals prior to our Midweek Connections classes on Wednesday evenings during the school year. 

Wanda Bruns

Creates quilts or other sewing projects for distribution through Orphan Grain Train

Sharon Michaud

  • Meets the 1st Tuesday of each month at 11:00a at the church.
  • Projects: Maintains pencils, hymnals, attendance booklets, and church pews. Can also help with cooking projects as needed.

Beth Nagy

A variety of Adult Bible studies for women offered on Sundays. Check out the website or the weekly bulletin for what is currently being offered. Suggestions for new topics of study are always welcome. 

Eileen Diepenbrock

Organize retreats on campus, off-site, one day or overnight.


Coordinate a group to attend a local or regional event specifically for women, help with publicity, car-pools, or however we can encourage one another to grow in our role as women of faith. 

Young Child Ministries

Opportunities for the Youngest of God’s Children to Learn and Grow in a Christian Environment. 

Angelica Gile (Director)

A Christian learning environment for toddlers through kindergarten with State licensing and qualified teachers.

Lydia Massie

Opportunities to help provide childcare during Sunday morning worship or during Wednesday evening classes in the church nursery. Must be 18+ years and infant CPR trained. 

In the Community

Community & Global Outreach Ministries & Missions

Reaching Our Community with Christ in our Neighborhoods, our Communities and Around the World.

Peace Liaison,  Christine Pearson
1440 Blake St, #200, Denver, CO 80202

Seven offices serving Metro Denver. APC exists to care for those in
Pregnancy-related crises and offer a meaningful alternative to abortion. Volunteer training is available for client advocates, group facilitators, or 24-hour helpline. Prayer chain, office help, donation of maternity or baby clothes or cash gifts are also ways you can help. Mobile Clinic serves the Arvada area.

8555 West 57th Avenue, Arvada

Provides food for needy families in the Arvada area. Volunteers needed to stock shelves M-F, 9a – noon, or assist families with food M-F, noon – 4p. and special projects for phone coverage and data entry. Donations of non-perishable food donations and cash donations welcome.

Cheryl Brown

Classical Conversations supports homeschooling parents by cultivating the love of learning through a Christian worldview in fellowship with other families. There are three keys to a great education: classical, Christian and community. A proven homeschooling method for parents. 

Kelsey Wilbern

Connections Ministries is comprised of ministry teams working together to help people get connected with others seeking to walk with Christ. The goal of our teams is to help people get connected in many areas – from connecting with visitors in the parking lot to connecting people to Christ.
Ed Holroyd

A team providing exceptional resources for students and adults on the 1st Article of our Creed: Creation. Also promotes local events and speakers on this important subject, and sponsors a Creation Sunday Bible study annually in September.

1130 Park Ave West, Denver, CO

Christian ministry to the homeless; providing shelter, clothing, food, medical, dental car, and two-year program for completing a GED. The Crossing is a shelter for homeless families. Volunteers are needed to serve breakfast, lunch or dinner. Clothing, food, furniture and cash donations are welcome.

Kathy Nutting

Volunteers stock our on-site food bank and host community food basket distribution at Christmas and Easter. For those who want to assist further with this ministry, training is required for the following: “manning” a message hot line for emergency needs, sharing helpful referrals of community resources, and meeting recipients using the food bank.

Paul Walker

Association of Christian businesses and professionals dedicated to telling people about Jesus through sharing personally and by providing Bibles and New Testaments. 

Jennifer Cerf
9088 Marshall Ct., Westminster

Provides community programs to teen mothers, including a Mentoring program and GED program. Residential Program, located in Arvada, offers a safe, stable home for single teen moms and their children who are homeless or living in an unsafe environment. Volunteer to drive teen moms, office support, Early Learning Childcare center, provide a meal, and more.

Teresa Lehtinen
5150 Allison St., Arvada, CO

No cost, comprehensive, child-focused and family-centered preschool program for children ages 3-5. Volunteers are needed to help serve lunch at Peace for for children ages 3-5. Volunteers are needed to help serve lunch at Peace for May.

Ron Schuldt

Oversees the support given to the different organizations voted on each year for mission funding from Peace. Committee prepares mission budget and oversees commitments to Synod missionaries. May also make recommendations to the Mission Trust Fund.


Short-term mission projects (international and local) are supported throughout the year by the congregation, Sunday School, Bible classes and the Early Learning Center. Coordinator works to promote, track and conclude each project.

Ron Schuldt

Sponsor selected LCMS missionaries in the field, offering prayer and financial support. Works with the Mission Trust Fund Ministry to promote and encourage support for missions on all levels. 

Ron Searcy, Peace Liaison
14581 N. Washington St., Broomfield

A disaster relief organization sponsors collection of food, clothing, and other requested supplies and equipment. Items sent to Norfolk, NE, where containers are filled and shipped to those in need around the world. Sponsors fish feeds and garage sales. Volunteers work at the OGT warehouse sorting and packing boxes; pick up donations; quilt or sew for recipients; assist at the Garage Sale or Fish Feed; Adopt an Orphanage at a cost of $20 per week; donate cash, medical supplies, adult and children’s clothing and bedding.
Peace Liaison, Gary Pearson

Prison Fellowship trains and inspires churches and communities—inside and outside of prison—to support the restoration of those affected by incarceration. Volunteers can: mentor; teach Bible studies and life skills; Ministry Delivery (provide worship service); Coordinate Angel Tree; Re-entry Team; Prayer Team, and Advocacy. 

Gary Crocker
5675 Field St., Arvada, CO 80002

Funding is needed to continue the ministry of airing a 30-minute sermon weekly at 7:30a on KHOW 630AM radio station and a sister station in Salt Lake City.

Jennifer Kemps
10795 W. 58th Avenue, Arvada, CO

Works with law enforcement, human services and the community to provide a safe place to investigate child abuse and ensure victim services for children who have been physically or sexually abused or witnessed violence. Provides education and outreach to prevent child abuse. Volunteers assist with fundraising, administration duties, recruitment fairs, and more. Help coordinate a Pinwheel Garden.

Dan Frederick
303-455-1126 x47
3443 W 23rd Avenue, Denver, CO 80211

Save Our Youth is a youth development organization providing at-risk youth with educational, emotional, and spiritual skills for success through long-term mentoring relationships. Invest in the life of one young person and build a life-changing relationship with an urban youth (ages 10-16). Training available.

Cydnee Dossey
2950 Tennyson St., Denver, CO

One of the Rocky Mountain region’s leading treatment centers and K-12 schools for emotionally and crisis-affected children and youth, particularly those suffering from abuse and neglect. Serving children ranging in age from 5-18. Treatment programs provide competent and caring treatment, educational and advocacy services in an environment that is child-centered, family-focused and community-based. Volunteer as a mentor, spend time with a cottage/classroom, assist staff with outings and events for the kids, help with events throughout the year, home improvement for residential cottages, and more.
Pastor Larry McGurer

Summit Mission Alliance is a partnership of congregations working to bring church revitalizations and new church plants to the central Colorado mountains by focusing on Congregational Health, Relational Discipleship, and Local Mission.

Jan Otteman
2660 Larimer Street, Denver CO 80205

Volunteers of America is a national, nonprofit, faith-based organization dedicated to helping those in need rebuild their lives and reach their full potential. Through more than 30 distinct human service programs throughout the state of Colorado, including housing and healthcare, Volunteers of America helps more than 200,000 Coloradoans each year. Use the contact info provided to speak to someone about our programs or volunteering opportunities. 

Angie Kinney
5500 E Yale Ave # 101, Denver, CO

After-school tutoring program partnering with local schools and churches. Whiz Kids vision is to tutor and mentor in the Spirit of Christ and their mission is to help improve the lives of disadvantaged elementary and middle school kids through academic tutoring, positive mentoring relationships and spiritual nurture. Whiz Kids trains volunteer tutors to provide literacy and math help to students who are struggling academically. 

Global Service Opportunities

See below for opportunities that are mostly focused on Global relief/aid/support

Orphan Grain Train

A local group of this national organization meets at Peace regularly to support the work of OGT, collect and pack items for shipping around the world. Contact Ron Searcy   720-232-2897 [See also Orphan Grain Train under Auxiliary Organizations below]

Quilters for Missions: Creates quilts or other sewing projects for distribution through Orphan Grain Train. Contact:Wanda Bruns vis the church office.

Auxiliary Ministries

Opportunities to serve others through Lutheran organizations outside of Peace.


Lutheran Church Extension Fund helps fund the building of churches and schools through investment dollars. Contact or visit their website for more information on how you can help at
Ron Schuldt, Peace Liaison

The Lutheran Laymen’s League is an arm of the Lutheran Hour Ministries whose goal is to spread the Gospel through 47 LLL ministry centers worldwide. Prayers, volunteer work and financial support help Lutheran Hour Ministries accomplish great things for God’s Kingdom.

Emily Ureste
363 South Harlan Street, Suite 200 Denver , CO

LFS provides adoption programs, Care Management for Older Adults, Disaster Response, Foster Care, Legal Immigration Services, Pregnancy Counseling, and Refugee Services. Volunteers can assist with their various programs and also donate food, clothing, school supplies and cash.
Carol Thompson

Lutherans for Life is making a difference in life issues for the unborn, the premature, the aged and the handicapped. Distributes information and promotes the sanctity of life.

Beth Nagy

The Lutheran Women’s Missionary League (LWML) is the official women’s auxiliary of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod. The LWML has focused on affirming each woman’s relationship with Christ, encouraging and equipping women to live out their Christian lives in active mission ministries and to support global missions.

Ron Searcy, Peace Liaison
14581 N. Washington St., Broomfield

A disaster relief organization. Sponsors the collection of food, clothing, and other requested supplies and equipment, which is then sent to Norfolk, NE where containers are filled and shipped to those in need around the world. Sponsors fish feeds and conducts garage sales. Volunteers can: work at OGT warehouse sorting and packing boxes; pick up donations; quilt or sew for recipients; assist at a Garage Sale or Fish Feed; adopt an orphanage at a cost of $20 per week; donate cash, medical supplies, adult and children’s clothing and bedding. Contact: Ron Searcy   720.232.2897

• Information Center Attendants assist guests in learning more about Peace and providing printed and verbal information as well as directions.

• Parking Lot Attendants assist guests in maneuvering parking lot (parking on busy days) and getting up walkways/steps.

Thrivent is a faith-based, member owned fin ancial services organization providing comprehensive financial planning for individuals and charitable organizations. As a non-profit fraternal organization, Thrivent members help choose where the tax savings dollars are placed, distributing annually over $5,000,000 in the Rocky Mountain Region through Thrivent Choice, Local Chapters and Regional Projects. Free seminars on a variety of topics. Contact: Keith Stechmesser 303-726-1047 [See also Thrivent Advisory Team under Stewardship Ministry]

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