

I love the idea of Thanksgiving being a verb in addition to a noun. Even in this time of economic uncertainty, I see people sharing the human experiences, loving their families, working hard for...

Lost It All?

As I write these thoughts just one week has passed following the massive flooding in Colorado. The force and amount of water has caused terrible destruction throughout our state, sweeping homes away, flooding others,...

How are we Known?

Max Lucado tells the story of a woman in a small town who was a single mother with a frail sick baby. Her neighbor stopped by every few days and cared for the infant...

Peace: Religious Disease Center?

Physical diseases posed no problem for Jesus. When He encountered them, He healed them with a word. Religious diseases were another matter. Things like legalism, judgmentalism, hypocrisy, elitism – these took a different type...


Friends, Doesn’t that have a nice sound to it? “Friends” is what Jesus calls us. It really encourages my heart. As we serve in His name throughout the week, I look forward to seeing...

A Goodly Share

I think often of a sainted member of Peace, Alice Wolters. It was from her and her husband Jerry that I first heard these words spoken; but now they have become more popular. They...


Kingdom Business EXTREME COUPONING For over a decade, a Madison, Wisconsin, grocery store owner by the name of Ken Kopp, printed a coupon in his church bulletin offering a free gallon of milk for...

Resurrection Appearances

Here is a quick Bible study and discussion piece to do with your family or guests on Easter (or anytime). These references attest to the physical resurrection appearances of Jesus. It doesn’t take long...

“We are beggars, this is true.”

As far as we know, these are the last words written by the great reformer, Dr. Martin Luther. Two days before his death on February 18, 1546, Luther one more time made the point...

Fail-Safe Predictions for the New Year

As one year ends and another begins, it is a reflective time to look back, as well as appreciate newbeginnings. Here is a quick Bible study of sure things to look forward to in...