How Must a Christian Vote?

What, exactly, is the relationship between church and state? On a personal level, we might state the question as “What is the relationship between my faith and my politics?”
It’s a popular sentiment in our country that there is, and should be, a separation of church and state . . . that the two should be kept separate from each other and the two should never be mixed. But the question must be asked; is that even possible? While it’s true that the freedom of religion should be protected and the government must never impose its will upon the individual when it comes to religious beliefs, is it possible for the individual to separate one’s beliefs from one’s political convictions? After all, our beliefs inform how we view the world around us and how we interact with others.
For the Christian, our faith is centered upon what God reveals to us as His will for His creation and His creatures. We can’t separate our Christian faith from how we view and live in this world. We are citizens, simultaneously, of two kingdoms. Through faith in Jesus, who died for our sins and rose from the dead, we are children of God. We are now citizens of God’s eternal kingdom. Heaven belongs to us and it is our home. At the same time, we are also citizens here on this earth, living under the authority of an earthly kingdom – the nation, state, and community in which we live. They are both gifts from God. Our citizenship in His eternal kingdom is a gift through our Savior, His Son Jesus. And the earthly kingdom in which we live is also a gift. God appointed the authorities under which we live to protect us and enable us to live at peace with one another. In other words, we enjoy a dual citizenship: at the same time we are citizens of God’s eternal kingdom with God as our final authority and citizens of an earthly kingdom . . . and both are gifts from God.
So then, how do we live out this dual citizenship? How do we, as Christians, live out our lives under the authorities of this world? Jesus answered that question. “So give back to Caesar what is Caesar’s, and to God what is God’s.” (Matthew 22:21) We are to live as citizens of both. And living as God’s people in His kingdom informs how we live in this earthly kingdom. We love, serve and honor the Lord our God above all things. We love our neighbors as ourselves. It’s all about putting others before ourselves; God first, others second, one’s self last.
When it comes to voting, that same order stands.
- First, we seek God’s direction. As we consider how we should vote, we ask first, “How does God want me to vote?” We must be informed voters. First we study God’s word and become familiar with His will. What is God’s will and design for His creation and creatures? What does He value? Second, we study the candidates and the issues that are on the ballot. What is at the heart of the issue? What is the heart of the candidates? Which are better aligned with God’s Word?
- Second, we consider the needs of others. We ask, “How does this candidate or issue impact others?” Putting our own comforts and desires aside, we consider which issue or candidate is best for the people of this country, state, or community? We mustn’t vote for what easiest. Rather, we must vote for what’s best . . . especially in the long run.
- Then what about ourselves? We always put our own desires last. That which protects the defenseless, blesses the weak, and supports those in need must come before our own wants and desires.
Election day is right around the corner. As we approach that day, it is important that we seek God’s will as we vote. It’s vital that we are familiar with what God says in His word and become familiar with the candidates and the issues. And it’s imperative that we pray! We pray the Lord would bless our country and our communities. We pray that the Lord would guide our vote, raise up Godly leaders, and that His will would be done. Finally, it’s important that we exercise our responsibility to vote. It’s a gift we have been given. And it is our responsibility to use that gift responsibly!
God bless our Native Land!
Pastor Tim
Some resources as you prepare to vote as God’s child:
- “Beyond the Booth” by Dr. Joel Biermann
- “Intersection of Church and State” by Dr. Gregory Seltz
- Register to Vote!!