It’s all about Jesus. Always Jesus!

What is the answer to every Sunday School question? You’ve probably heard the answer during a children’s lesson at church. The teacher holds up a telephone and asks the children “What’s this?” And a cute little kid yells out, “JESUS!”
The older I get, the more I realize just how true this is. The answer to every question in life is Jesus. Jesus is the way, the truth and the life, and there is no part of life in which He is uninvolved or unconcerned. So, all the questions and every struggle and all the joys are lived upon the foundation of His giving, grace and guidance.
In Romans 10:8-9 the Apostle Paul reminds the church that, “The Word is near you, in your mouth and in your heart”. When Paul refers to the word, he is talking about Jesus. Jesus is the word of God in the flesh. (see John 1:1-5, 14) And Jesus is the one who is near you, in your mouth and in your heart.
This makes sense of the next verse, where Paul says, “if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.”
What I’ve learned about life, both walking with other Christians and from my own walk, is that we don’t always like Jesus as our Lord. He speaks to things we’d rather leave alone. He calls us to abandon ourselves, take up our crosses and follow him. Sometimes we face criticism or mockery for following Him. But in all and through all, Jesus is the Lord of our life, and we would be lost in every sense of this term, without Him.
As we begin life together at Peace, I want to make you a promise. The work I do, the words I preach, the idea’s I bring will always be about Jesus and making Him known. Always Jesus. If I bring you something else, call me out and I will repent. If you get wrapped up in things other than Jesus, I will call you out and ask you to repent. Together in this life, may we daily return to Jesus and may Jesus always be in our hearts, upon our lips and witnessed through our lives.
In His Grip,
Guy Roberts, Senior Pastor