Just Think About It

God is on the throne
He reigns forevermore
Just think about it
Just think about it.
These are the lyrics to a We The Kingdom song (God is on the Throne) that have been popping into my head quite a bit recently. While the events in this world seem to be spinning out of control, I need to remind myself – God is on the throne. He sees the downward spiral the world seems to be taking. He knows people are turning away from Him. It must grieve Him more than we can know. And yet, I believe He is in charge. He is all-knowing, all-powerful, ever-faithful – loving us in a way we can’t really comprehend. So as I watch the news or experience things in my own life, I try to keep my focus on God, on His throne, watching over us, creating a way to bring us through our trials as we depend on Him.
When Christians are persecuted…God is on the throne.
When children are trafficked…God is on the throne.
When war ravages countries…God is on the throne.
When political divisions threaten to ruin our nation…God is on the throne.
When the economy threatens financial ruin for many families…God is on the throne.
When you or someone you love battles disease…God is on the throne.
When someone you love passes from this life to eternal life…God is on the throne.
When the inevitable trials of life descend…God is on the throne.
When you watch your children or grandchildren struggle…God is on the throne.
No matter what is going on in your life or mine…God is on the throne.
Just think about it…Just think about it… God Is On The Throne: Writers: Ed Cash, Scott Cash, Franni Cash, Martin Cash, Andrew Bergthold, Glynn Dolison
Dawn Lubker, Ministry Assistant