Walking Into the New Year 

Do you set New Year’s resolutions?  Do you keep them, start out great then drift away or do you not even make them?  As we say goodbye to 2023 and step into the fresh, pathless road of the New Year, it’s that time again when resolutions are made, and goals are set. For many, this is more than just a tradition, it’s an opportunity for spiritual growth and renewed dedication. 

The start of a new year is often accompanied by a surge of optimism and a resolve to make positive changes. It’s a time when we reflect on our lives, our faith, and consider how we can align our actions more closely with our beliefs. New Year’s resolutions can often revolve around deeper spiritual connections, spiritual growth, acts of kindness, and serving others. 

Setting these resolutions is the first step in the journey toward self-improvement. Whether it’s committing to reading the Bible more regularly (Rom. 10:17, 2 Tim. 3:16-17, Rev. 1:3), dedicating time to prayer and meditation (Rom.12:12) or striving to live a more compassionate and Christ-like life (Phil. 2:5-11), these resolutions often hold a deeper significance. Yet, we know all too well that setting resolutions is the easy part. The challenge lies in staying committed and seeing them through. So, how can we ensure we stick to our New Year’s resolutions and achieve our goals? 

Firstly, have a clear and specific plan. Vague goals like “be a better person” or “grow spiritually” can be difficult to measure or achieve. Instead, setting specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound goals can guide us more effectively. Like, committing to volunteering at a local shelter once a month or reading a specific number of Bible verses daily can provide tangible milestones to work towards. 

Secondly, accountability plays a vital role. We talk a lot about this in our Adult Education class. Sharing our resolutions with a trusted friend, family member, or a Christian community not only provides support but also holds us accountable. Having someone to encourage us and help keep us on track can make a significant difference. 

Most of all, integrating our resolutions into our daily routines is essential. Making time for prayer, Bible study, or acts of service amidst our busy lives reinforces the commitment and makes it a natural part of our lifestyle. However, let’s remember that setbacks are a part of the journey. If we stumble or falter in our resolutions, it’s crucial not to be too hard on ourselves. Instead, let’s use these moments as opportunities for reflection and renewal of our commitment. As we embark on this new chapter, let’s embrace the journey of growth, understanding that it’s not about perfection but about progress. Each step we take toward living out our resolutions brings us closer to a life filled with faith, love, and service. 

So, here’s to a New Year filled with grace, blessings, and the courage to pursue our resolutions, knowing that every effort we make brings us closer to becoming the person God intended us to be. Cheers to a purposeful and spiritually enriching year ahead! 

2 Corinthians 5:17 

“Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!” 

Kelsey Wilbern – New Member and Adult Education Coordinator 

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