A Father’s Touch

I heard a shriek and turned my head to see what caused my granddaughter such joy. No, it wasn’t a shriek of terror. Instead, it was – indeed – a shriek of joy. But when I saw what was causing the joyful squeals, it struck a note of terror in this grandpa’s heart. As I turned my head, I saw one of our two-year-old granddaughters flying through the air in a perfect flip, arms outstretched, and heading for the ground. Then, to my relief, our son-in-law’s strong hands appeared beneath and caught her in mid-air. The giggles, the mid-air flights, and the perfect flips were just beginning. Time after time, our granddaughter flew high into the air and caught safely before meeting the hard floor. No fear, just pure joy. Complete trust!
One of my go-to verses in the Bible are words from Isaiah 41:10. While it’s true that the Bible is fully God’s word, this verse is literally God’s words, a quote as God speaks to His chosen people. The chapter begins with God saying, “Listen to me in silence!” (Can’t you just hear your mother or father saying, “Be quiet and listen up”?!) And then, in verse 10, God says to His beloved people, “Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.”
I love that verse! There are so many times in life when I feel . . . not, I am . . . out of control. Life has a way of throwing us for a loop, doesn’t it? In dismay, we find ourselves spinning out of control, wondering how it will end. And it appears as though it is going to end well. In our anxiety, we imagine the worst. We imagine a hard landing with a thud, bloodied knees, and a wounded ego.
But God’s promise stands true. “be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.” And His promises aren’t empty. His mighty right hand doesn’t strike out in anger. It reaches out in love. We know this because He proves He has proven He’s good for His word!
Consider Jesus! When Christ touches people, He always touches to heal, feed, and bless!
- In Mark 1:40-42, Jesus meets a leper, a man considered to be a “dead man walking”. Others shied away from the man, afraid his touch would defile them. But not Jesus. He reaches out, touches the leper and His touch heals the man.
- In Mark 6:38-44 we see Jesus’ hands reaching out, touching bread, blessing it, and then breaking it. A little boy’s lunch – five little loaves and two small fish – becomes a grand feast feeding thousands! The Master’s touch feeds the hungry masses!
- Mark also tells a story about children. In chapter 10 verses 13-16, parents are bringing their children to Jesus that He might touch them. Despite the horror of his onlooking followers, Jesus takes them in His mighty arms and blesses them.
When Christ touches people, He always touches to heal, feed, and bless! Always!
There is no need for fear. Instead, we can face every situation knowing that God won’t drop us. Instead, He will uphold us with His right hand and touch us with his healing, feeding, and blessed hand of love! As His people, we can laugh with joy and enjoy the ride knowing His mighty hands will catch us before we fall!
In HIS peace and love!
Pastor Tim
- What causes you to feel as though you or your life is spinning out of control?
- What comfort do you find knowing God promises to uphold you? That His track record proves He is good for His word?