A Life of Service

It’s funny how age and perspective changes things. 40 years ago, when I began my ministry, I had a vision of what I wanted to do at age 65. I wanted to retire, buy a house next to a golf course, and play golf just about every day of the week. My golf game has deteriorated down through the years, and so has my love for the sport. But something else has increased in 40 years, my understanding that we are to make our life count for the kingdom of God! Now don’t get me wrong, if you are retired, there is nothing wrong with traveling, or fulfilling a lifelong hobby, or spending time with family. All of that is very good! But the Lord also has given us gifts and talents to serve him by serving others! This the Lord has taught me, that my life is to be used up in service to him until he calls me home. What about you, are you using your talents and gifts to serve the Lord? Are you identifying your passion for service to our Lord Jesus and then fulfilling that passion?
As I reach retirement age, I think of my brother Maury who retired at about age 60. He did exactly what I wanted to do 40 years ago. He played a lot of golf. After a while he got bored of that and realized that he wanted to make his life count. I am proud to say now that my brother is very active at his church, he watches his grandkids many times during the week, and helps his adult kids in whatever way he can! I am so proud of my brother! Age and perspective have changed things for him!
Make your life count! Live it in service to others! As my Dad used to say, service is the rent we pay for the space we occupy. And why do we do all of this? Because Jesus Christ laid down his life for us and took it back again when he rose from the dead! He has given us eternal life as a free gift through faith in what he’s done! This is the primary motivation for living a life of service. May you live your life in service to others in gratitude for all that he has done for you!
In Christ,
Pastor Dave