
God saw all that He made and it was very good.        Genesis 1:31

Last weekend, my daughter, Jasmine, and her husband, David, took my husband, Joel, and myself on a mountain adventure. They had acquired an off-road vehicle so the four of us took off for some back country fun near Kenosha Pass.

At the beginning of the week, the weather forecast looked like it would be a cold, wet day, but the front slowed just enough to give us a day’s grace and we encountered the most beautiful fall day you can imagine. All of our senses were filled with the best the day had to offer. We saw the beautiful blue sky striped by the clouds preceding the incoming front. We saw a spectacular display of God’s handiwork in the colors of the trees. We were able to smell the fresh air with the light scent of the pine trees wafting in the breeze. When our ears weren’t being assaulted by the sound of the vehicle, the sound of silence with the occasional rustling of leaves was a refreshing change to the sounds of the city. The taste of cool, refreshing water was welcome as we rinsed our palettes of the dust from the ride. The touch of my husband’s hand as we held on for dear life a few times or the feel of the trees as we gathered some souvenir leaves and branches to take home and enjoy…all good stuff!

It got me to thinking about what a blessing the season of fall/autumn is. There are lots of good things about my favorite time of year. The heat of summer is dissipating. The busyness of trying to fit in gardening, and yard work, and all the activities that summer brings are waning. The intenseness that summer brings fades away. Now is the time to start slowing down…take it a little easier…enjoy the beauty that God brings to this season.

It began to remind me that this is not so different than the season of life I happen to be in right now. Past ‘summer’; solidly into ‘fall’. No need to mourn what’s past. As a matter of fact, it’s time to celebrate all the good things God has brought my way during my ‘spring’ and ‘summer’. And now I can look forward to this season which God will also fill with beautiful things. It’s a good reminder to enjoy each season (meteorologically or metaphorically) for what it is.

Thank You, God, for the beauty of fall…in all of its forms!

Dawn Lubker, Director of Ministries

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