From Dust You Are… to Dust You Will Return

These are the words that the pastor speaks as he makes the ashen sign of the cross on the foreheads and hands of his parishioners on Ash Wednesday. A stark reminder that the wages of sin is death and that sin sends each of us to the ground from which we were formed.
What is it about Ash Wednesday? For my entire career, this day is one of the favorites of those I’ve served, and it’s never really made sense to me. We say, “From dust you are, to dust you will return.” These words don’t hold hope or peace, just a reminder of death. And yet, every year on Ash Wednesday services are full and most come forward to receive the imposition of ashes. Maybe it’s because they are given in the shape of the cross, which is the universal symbol of Christ’s death and sacrifice for the world. But the cross alone is not what holds hope for us. After all, anyone can die on a cross, but only one can rise from the dead.
Jesus’ resurrection is where hope is found. Which is why we did Ash Wednesday a little different this year. In fact, we are going to observe the entire season of lent a little different this year by covering over the entire season in the hope of the resurrection. The Lenten Sermon series is titled Lent Resurrected and this is what we will do.
As we gathered for Ash Wednesday with repentant and contrite hearts, we heard the familiar words spoken once again, “From dust you are, to dust you shall return.” But this year we added the hope of the resurrection and those who came for the mark of ashes heard, “From dust you are, to dust you will return, and from the dust you will be raised.”
This year we will approach the Lord in this season of repentance, with the words of hope on our lips, even as we confess our brokenness. This lent we will hold before our eyes, this truth… “For He is Risen!!! He is Risen Indeed, Alleluia!”
In His Grip, Pastor Guy Roberts