Make a Joyful Sound

A couple weeks ago, my wife and I went to a Christian concert in Colorado Springs. We had attended a few other concerts in the past several months but all of them were outdoors. This was the first indoor concert that we attended in over a year.
As we approached the concert hall, we noticed a large number of people trying to get into the venue but the line was moving very slow. At the door we identified the delay. There were two baskets inside the door, one containing “communion” cups and the other containing ear plugs, both raising a lot of questions in my small but efficient mind. One, why communion wine and wafers in one tidy “hour glass” container, Two, why earplugs! I knew a lot of the artists (Zach Williams) songs and I remember them as more “easy listening”. Not wanting to draw attention to ourselves, we grabbed a package of each. Along with our new supplies, we noticed several tables containing the usual shirts, CD’s, Bibles, support literature for missions etc.
As we found our seats, the “warm-up” band started with earth shattering volume that found everyone scrambling for their ear plugs. The voice of the singers, in the small venue was obliterated by four guitars, drums, a violin and a trumpet. When I was young (a few years ago) I remember attending rock concerts and I don’t recall the listeners frantically searching out ear devices to preserve their hearing!
When Mr. Williams came out on stage, the decibel level was again off the chart, combined with a shrill, constant scream from the audience, I couldn’t hear a word he said. We were also introduced to another “indoor” tradition, everyone stood up and remained that way for the entire concert!! What happened to the easy listening part? And why are the spotlights all shining in MY face? Who thought that one up? I’m thinking, is the idea for everyone to go home deaf, blind with foot and leg pain from the stress of standing for two hours at an angle!! By the way, we also listened to a 40-minute plea to adopt a child in Africa.
Maybe I was showing my age. Everyone else appeared to be enjoying the concert, but then of course, so did I. Hmmmm
It suddenly occurred to me. We were all making a joyful sound (or noise depending on which Bible your reading). Just as David told the Levites in 1 Chronicles 15, make a joyful sound with all the instruments. Here we were, 3000 Christians, singing and sometimes dancing as we worshiped our God. Praising our Lord with music and song, I thought, lighten up Kent! Stop criticizing the delivery and fill your heart with the joy of celebrating our good and gracious God regardless of the presentation.
In Him!
Kent Patton, Operations Manager