My Share

Have you ever gotten jealous? Maybe of a coworker, a peer, heck, even a spouse? I have, and I know this isn’t fun to admit, but if we’re being honest here, I’ve thought I deserved more than I was getting in life, or maybe I’ve wanted too much too fast. I think a great example of this is work/life balance and home life. So let’s paint a picture. You start working more and more, picking up more hours, getting home late, and exhausted when you get home. Let’s say this goes on for a few months, that could cause some issues at home right? I know it has for me in the past.
Now let’s say it’s a couple months in the future and then the big conversation happens. Your S/O starts to tell you how it’s concerning that you aren’t around. What would you do in this situation? Most of us would try our best to improve and be around more. What happens if that conversation doesn’t happen though? Do things just bubble up? Do they blow up in your face? Well let me ask you this, do you ever neglect your relationship with God because you’re too busy? Does life just get in the way sometimes? We’re imperfect, of course it does. Sometimes we conveniently avoid that conversation with God too. You know what’s awesome though? When we repent and come back, he still forgives us. He still gives us His love.
This makes me think of the parable of the lost son. The son lost EVERYTHING, every bit of his inheritance. Sheesh, can you imagine going to your parents and saying you lost all the money you had in your inheritance? I’d be SWEATING, let me tell you. After getting past his shame he comes back and guess what…HIS FATHER IS SO ELATED HE RETURNED! God does that for us, and I think that story is such a great parable to demonstrate God’s love. You know what’s amazing? OUR SHARE is what God has given to us. Forgiveness, eternal life, eternal love, perfect love. Every single time we stray we can come back, every single time He welcomes us back with open arms. The share that God has given us trumps everything else, is better than anything else, is more complete than anything else. So next time you get jealous, or feel like your stuck….Remember, God’s already given us the greatest gift of all.
Joey Ennulat, Director of Worship Arts