Don’t Give Up!

“Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.” – Galatians 6:9 (NIV)

Life can feel like an uphill climb sometimes, right? Whether it’s in our work, relationships, or even just trying to keep a positive attitude, there are days when it feels like we’re putting in all this effort without seeing the fruits of our labor. It’s in these moments that Galatians 6:9 offers us hope.

Keep Planting the Seeds

Paul’s words in this verse remind us of the simple yet powerful truth of planting seeds. Think about a farmer sowing seeds in a field. They don’t plant one day and expect a full harvest the next. They water, tend, and patiently wait for those seeds to grow. In our lives, every act of kindness, every moment of patience, and every effort to do good is like planting seeds. We may not see the results immediately, but that doesn’t mean they’re not growing beneath the surface.

Trust God’s Timing

We live in a world that loves instant gratification. We want quick results, fast success, and answers right away. God’s timing is different. He knows when the harvest is ready, and He knows when the best time is for us to receive what we’ve been working towards. It’s hard to keep going when it seems like nothing is happening, but Galatians 6:9 encourages us to hold on and trust that God sees our efforts.


If you’re feeling tired today, tired of doing the right thing when it seems like no one notices, or exhausted from pouring yourself into others without seeing a change, remember that you’re not alone. God sees your heart and your persistence. He knows the days when you want to give up, and He’s cheering you on to keep going. The promise is clear: at the proper time, we will reap a harvest. It may not come when we expect, but it will come.

Small Steps, Big Impact

So, let’s keep planting those seeds of kindness, love, and faith. Let’s keep being patient with that difficult situation, showing grace to that person who’s hard to love, and working diligently even when no one’s watching. These small, faithful steps may not look like much now, but they’re leading to something greater than we can see.

Remember, you’re not just working for today, you’re planting for a future harvest that God has planned. Keep moving forward, keep trusting, and hold on to the promise that your efforts aren’t in vain. A season of reaping is on its way!

Kelsey Wilbern – New Member Coordinator

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