

There are good ones.  There are bad ones.  Either way, they are difficult to change. 

One social science author made the observation that, to modify a long-time habit, it takes one month of consistent, conscious change in behavior for every year a person has practiced a habit.  So, for example, if you want to cut back on the caffeine and you’re pretty much addicted to coffee . . . and you have been drinking it for 15 years, it would take 15 months of consciously and consistently abstaining from the “black gold” to break the habit.

Here’s the thing.  Every person has habits.  And so do families.  Some are good.  Some are, well, not so good.

Let’s talk about “respect habits”.  How well do you, personally, do at showing respect for others?  How well does your family do at being respectful in your home?

A Christian author, Jim Kochenburger, has developed a respect quiz to help families evaluate the respect habits in their home.  Honestly, I think it’s a good quiz for all of us to take this quiz whether in the family setting or not. 

Take the quiz!  I challenge you.  Sit down as a family, a couple, or as an individual and honestly discuss or consider each of the following statements.  Do you agree?  Disagree?  Why?  Why not?  (Be honest!)

  • I/we don’t use cut-downs, hurtful teasing, or mean-spirited humor.
  • I/we allow others to respectfully share their opinions freely and honestly.
  • I/we respect others no matter their age. (Children respect adults and adults respect children.)
  • I/we strive to give everyone encouragement, compliments, and appropriate affection.
  • I/we strive to give a lot of love to each other.
  • I/we work hard to be positive and upbeat.
  • I/we pray that God will help me/us be more like Jesus in all we do.

Now that you’ve taken the quiz, how did you do?  What did you learn from this exercise?   What things can you list that you can do to show respect for others?  What items can you add to the list that you would like to avoid?  What habits would you like to cultivate?  What specific changes can you make to work toward these goals?

Remember, good habits take work.  And they take time!  But cultivating positive, loving habits is so worth it!  Not only will life be better, but – who knows!  Someone may see Jesus in you.  Wouldn’t that be something to celebrate?

May God guide and bless you!

Pastor Tim

“Therefore, encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing!”   1 Thessalonians 5:11

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