Peace Lutheran Church Blog


Last month, I had the opportunity to visit 5 Major League Baseball parks in 6 days. Kind of baseball overload, if there can be such a thing! What an amazing “community” I’ve found at a...

The Power of the Word

I think we often underestimate the power of the spoken word. As I write this, I’m sitting in a Starbucks finishing up my sermon for Sunday. I happened to catch the eyes of a baristan...


Last Sunday at the 10:30am service, we sang the song “King of My Heart” which begins with “Let the King of my heart be the mountain where I run” and continues with other statements...

The Light of Christ in Summertime

As the sun shines and the days grow longer, summertime brings a wonderful sense of joy, freedom, and opportunity. For many, it’s a season filled with vacations, outdoor activities, and quality time with loved...

Every Sunday An Easter

The other day was a difficult day.  Have you ever had one of those . . . a day in which you got some bad news, encountered a difficult situation, or when you hurt...

45 Minutes

Speaking for myself, often, probably too often, I take God’s creation for granted. Every once in a while, though, something strikes me, and I just stand in wonder and awe of all the beauty...

All Things New

Last week we had the opportunity to spend a few days with my son in Minneapolis.  If you have followed my blog, you remember my son Nick struggled with drugs and alcohol for over...

Details, Details

As we get to the last part of May, my list grows exponentially, it seems. VBS is a big deal, the kids love it, and I need to get it right…right? I’m also trying...

The Lost Art of Loafing

I used to love to read the newspaper.  I still read the “news”, but it’s not the same.  These days I read the news on a “tablet”.  That concept has changed, too.  Remember when...

A Strange New Way

This Sunday is Pentecost. Of the parts of the Trinity, the Holy Spirit is often acknowledged least in personal and corporate worship. But the Holy Spirit is what has set apart Christian worship since...