
“The Lord is my rock and my fortress and my deliverer,
my God, my rock, in whom I take refuge,
my shield, and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold.” Psalm 18:2
There’s a church in Breckenridge whose front doors were once painted a brilliant red. It’s an old church, well over 100 years old. Though I haven’t seen it recently, I suppose the doors are still red.
There’s was a plaque beside the door explaining the meaning of the red door. Why the color red, I don’t know. Perhaps it is because red stands out. (Hence the red fire trucks and the prevalence of red signage. I once read that those driving red cars get more speeding tickets than any other color.) Regardless, the doors were painted red for a very specific purpose; to identify the church as a place of “sanctuary”. The pastor and parishioners of that church wanted people to know that their church was/is a place of safety, peace, and refuge.
When I worked in youth ministry, I always wanted to paint the doors to the youth room red. I wanted to convey to the youth that this place – the church – was a place of safety. The school colors they wear, the labels they lived with, the insecurities they felt, the identity issues they struggled with, and everything that causes separation were to be left at the door. In this place all those things were to be left behind. In this place, we are one. We are followers of Jesus. We are Disciples Unlimited. We are baptized children of God. We are the body of Christ. Our identity is found, not in the school we attend, our teams, our extracurricular activities, our gifts and abilities, our skin color, our gender, or any of those other labels we wear. This youth room, this church is a sanctuary for all who enter. Here, we are safe!
It’s not the church, itself. It’s not the youth room. It’s not even the people gathered here. None of those things make the church a sanctuary. Rather, it is God! The Lord God – our Creator, our Redeemer, and our Helper – is our refuge and strength. He is our Rock, our Fortress, our Deliverer! The Lord is our Refuge and Strength! He is our Shield! And this place is our sanctuary because God is present in this place.
In this place, God comes to us daily reminding us that we are His children, adopted at our Baptism. That’s our identity! In this place, God speaks to us through His Word, a Word that does something. It convicts, consoles, encourages, assures, and gives us God’s perfect peace. In this place, Christ comes to us in the flesh and blood of Holy Communion. He personally offers us forgiveness, strengthening and preserving us to live our lives as followers of Jesus.
As we leave this place, called and equipped by His gifts, we are sent into the world to be His church. His sanctuary. We are sent to be a refuge and strength. Wherever we live, as we share God’s love and forgiveness, we are God’s sanctuary to others. A safe place for them to land. Encouragers when they are down. Forgivers when they are laden with guilt. Comforters when they are in turmoil.
My friends, I pray that this place can be a sanctuary. May we live up to our name by offering Peace to others. May they be welcomed, comforted, accepted, forgiven, and uplifted as they enter this place.
And as we go about our lives, may we, too, be God’s sanctuary . . . carrying His love and forgiveness wherever we go!
May the Lord bless you to be His sanctuary wherever you go!
Your fellow servant, Pastor Tim