Details, Details

As we get to the last part of May, my list grows exponentially, it seems. VBS is a big deal, the kids love it, and I need to get it right…right? I’m also trying to get everything written down so that each year gets easier. Now, I said my list is growing, but really, I have at least two lists written out, and one in my head.
I’m generally not much of a detail person. I really am more of a big picture kind of gal, but when the situation requires it, I can get a good checklist going. The issue now is feeling like my list keeps getting longer, and not much is getting checked off. This is my second year in charge of VBS, and I know that once we get to the second week of June, it’ll be great. I know it will. It’s just these last two weeks prior to VBS that gets to me.
Then I remember why VBS is even a thing we do in the first place. This year we are “Diving into friendship with God.” Friendship with God, how lucky are we?! So, are the details important? Of course, we will have lots of children in our building, but what is it they need? Is it me making sure everything is “perfect,” or is it hearing about a God that WANTS friendship with them. That puts all of those details that I’m stressing about into perspective.
So, now onto the next thing on the list.
Lydia Massie, Director of Children’s Ministry