It’s Not Just the Big Things
Generally, when I think of a mission trip, I think of the big trips I took and the opportunities I had to visit other countries. We shared Jesus and we helped to build up the ministries in that country. They were amazing opportunities to provide lasting infrastructure, so that the ministry could continue with less outside help in the future.
As amazing as those mission trips are, I don’t want to forget about the little things that God gives us to do each day. They may not seem as grand, but, I think, they are more impactful to those around us. While big trips are an easy thing to point to as a mission, the people around us are in just as much need of a relationship with Jesus as anyone else in the world. The way we lead our everyday lives shows those around us Jesus.
In an effort to build our concept of what a mission can be, we are hosting a new event on December 4th. It is called A-Door-Able, and we will be making wreaths for someone in our lives that needs some Christmas cheer. You can participate by making a wreath that night or donating some craft supplies that you have laying around your house.
As we go through this “Year on Mission” at Peace, I want to encourage everyone to think of both the little and big ways that we can impact the lives of the people that God brings into our lives.
Lydia Massie, Director of Children’s Ministry