Rome Wasn’t Built in a Day

“Rome wasn’t built in a day” is a phrase that is not enjoyable to hear for an impatient person. It reminds us that things that are worth the effort take time. In my quick research of the phrase, I learned that this particular “gem” is actually very old. The first printed version showed up in a French collection of poems in 1190. I guess this means that people have been impatient for a very long time. I like a modern add on to this proverb that I found “Rome wasn’t built in a day, but they laid bricks every day.”
This reminds me of how we build faith in ourselves and in our children. It isn’t something that just happens one day. It is a continuous process that takes our entire lives. Each of those things that we do to build our faith or faith in others, makes a difference in the long run. They all work together to make something amazing. It is hard to remember in the moment that those efforts that we make, all point towards something bigger than ourselves. The best thing is that as Christians, we know that we aren’t building our faith on our own. We have a Father that loves us and sent a Savior to make us right with him and a constant helper in the Holy Spirit to protect us in our faith. As we spend time on the many ways we build our faith, we can know that even the messy missed placed bricks will add up to a wonderful, perfect work of engineering when it is built with our amazing God.
Lydia Massie, Director of Children’s Ministry