
Last month, I had the opportunity to visit 5 Major League Baseball parks in 6 days. Kind of baseball overload, if there can be such a thing! What an amazing “community” I’ve found at a baseball stadium. It’s not the “community” that VP Harris speaks of; “A community is a community because it’s in a community”. I’m talking about a community of people that loves baseball! It dawned on me that it’s similar to our church community. People gathered together with one common love, the love of Christ. In the church community however, there is a desire to worship and learn more about God. The other big difference is that gathering with the church community is free, and I can sit wherever I want to! There’s not a bad seat in the house.

During the National Anthem, I always like the part where they sing “Land of the free” and everyone cheers like crazy! (so cool). How blessed we are to live in this incredible country! Wow! We should cheer in church! We are free! Free from sin and the power of the devil. Our sins are forgiven! In Romans 6:23 the apostle Paul tells us that, “The Wages of sin is death but the free gift of God is eternal life through Christ Jesus”!! In John 8:34, Jesus tells us that “we are a slave to sin” and in John 8:36  He tells us that the “Son sets us free and we are free indeed”.  We are free! As a “community” of believers, this is the promise we share. How blessed we are to be able to congregate, worship and share our common love for the One that sets us free! The next time you hear the National Anthem, cheer extra hard and think about what it means to really be free! 

Kent Patton, Operations Manager

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