Left Behind

As most of you know, I love baseball. In fact, I loved the game so much, I either played or coached for over 60 years. I’m still coaching but somehow I feel as though baseball has left me behind.
Baseball was always more than just a game to me. I had a lot of really good coaches but the best would always relate baseball to life. The value of team comaraderie, work ethic, sportsmanship, handling winning or losing with grace, study hard, practice hard and play hard.
I read that the sense of smell is the most powerful sense when it comes to memory or recollection. On the playing field or going to a Rockies game and smelling the fresh cut grass or hot dogs cooking in the concession stands bring back a flood of memories dating back to my early childhood. The word I can come up with to describe the feeling is exhilarating!
In many ways, the game has left me behind. Parents now pay for a bat and glove that exceeds the price of my first car. Thousands of dollars are spent on private lessons, private clubs, fancy uniforms and tournaments. The purity of the game that I knew is fleeting and in many cases, so is the fun.
As Christians, we know we will never be “left behind”. We are on the right team, a team where your social status or physical skill level doesn’t matter. We have a God that loves us unconditionally and has called all of us to be His champions. He wants us to spread the joy and excitement we feel as believers and followers of Jesus. Philippians 4:4 tells us to Rejoice in the Lord. Just like the aroma of the fresh cut grass, we are to God, “the pleasing aroma of Christ among those who are being saved” (2 Corinthians 2:15)
Sports, (especially baseball) and all our activities are gifts from God but they should not take the place of what is truly important in our lives!
Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts since as members of one body you were called to peace. And be thankful! Colossians 3:15
Kent Patton, Operations Manager