Meet People Where They Are

It’s all about Jesus. 

This is the hallmark of our Lutheran Confession.  What we believe, teach and confess is laser-focused on bringing us to the foot of the cross of Jesus.  It is here and only here where life, truth, happiness and all the rest are found. 

Article Four of the Augsburg Confession proclaims our Hope to all the world, when it says…

“Our churches also teach that humans cannot be justified before God by their own power, merits, or deeds. Rather, they are freely justified for Christ’s sake through faith.  By faith we mean this: that they believe that they are both received into God’s favor and that their sins are forgiven for Christ’s sake. For by his death, Christ has paid the debt for our sins. Thus God views the person who has this faith to be righteous in his sight (Romans 3 and 4)”

Our confession of faith tightly clings to the truth that only Jesus Saves.  We guard against teachings that offer another way, truth or life apart from Jesus. We guard our hearts against laying claim to our own salvation through works, experiences or intellectual endeavors.  We speak against false hope in this world. And we know that so much of sin and brokenness originates in our own hearts.

We repent daily, just as the Apostle Paul did in Romans 7:24-25, when he wrote, “Wretched Man that I am! Who will rescue me from this body of death?  Thanks be to God through Jesus Christ our Lord!!!”

It’s always, all about Jesus.

Praise God for the sure and certain truth of His Word and the hope of the gospel.  What a gift we’ve been given.

So, what about those who don’t know Jesus? How do they come to meet Him?”

If you are reading this, the answer is you.  And we do this as He did it.  We meet people where they are.

When the world was lost and broken in sin, struggling under the consequences of the curse, God didn’t proclaim from the sky… Come and find me.  No.  He made his dwelling amongst us.  In His love, He sought us out. 

This is what God calls us to do.  Peace must never pull within the walls of our church.  As disciples of Jesus, we must never hunker down in our homes.  We are called to GO… To meet people where they are both physically and spiritually. We have been sent.

Just as God left His place in heaven to become one of His creation, bringing salvation from region to region, town to town and life to life.  Now we too are called to stand in His stead and bring the hope of Jesus to people, right where they are. Just as Jesus healed the sick, taught His ways and proclaimed Good News, so too are we called to use our hands and feet for the glory of God and the service of our neighbor.

None of us would be who we are if Jesus hadn’t sent someone to bring us where we needed to be.  And no one will come to know Jesus unless we meet them where they are.

We join Isaiah then in praying… “Here am I, send me.” 

This is what we are going to put our focus in 2024-25.  Lord, what can we do to meet people where they are? What can we do to further Your Mission?  Lord, how can we make a difference?  Help us bring You to others.  And with His blessing, we will become bold in our confession. 

It’s all about Jesus.

In His Grip,

Pastor Guy Roberts

Join us on Sunday October 13th at 9:15am in the Community Room, to hear more about Peace’s – Year on Mission Initiative.  

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