Watch the Lamb

Today I’ve been working on my Good Friday sermon and have really been focused on Simon of Cyrene, the man who carried Jesus’ cross to the top of Mount Calvary. There isn’t a lot known about him, but from the Bible and church tradition we do know a few things. First of all, he was from a northern Libyan port city found on the Mediterranean sea, the name of course being Cyrene. Cyrene, at the time of Jesus, inhabited approximately 5000 people. Simon had traveled almost 800 miles from Cyrene to Jerusalem for the festival of Passover. This trip probably took him two weeks. And he might have had his two sons with him.… And speaking of his two sons, Mark tells us their names were Rüfüs and Alexander. Church tradition tells us that the two sons of Simon of Cyrene eventually became missionaries and ended up in Rome. Can you imagine the stories that their dad told them about the crucifixion of the Son of God, if, indeed they didn’t witness it themselves?…..Obviously that event had a huge impact on Simon and he probably became a believer very soon after the resurrection.  The apostle Paul mentions Simon of Cyrene’s son, Rufus, by name in Romans 16:13 and also mentions that Rufus mother, Simon of Cyrene’s wife, was like a mother to him! Who would’ve thought!  

Many of you have told me down through the years how much the song “Watch the Lamb” has impacted you that I have sung numerous times on Good Friday. The song depicts the story of Simon of Cyrene carrying the cross. I will be doing that song once again this year. It will be my last good Friday service preaching at Peace so I want that service to be very, very special. I hope to see you there!

And always remember, no matter how grievous our sin, we are forgiven through faith in Jesus!… Watch the Lamb, the Lamb of God, Jesus Christ that takes away our sin!!

In Christ,

Pastor Dave

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