What’s Good For Us

“Dad, if I eat my meat, it will help my teeth and bones to grow white and hard . . . right?!”

“No, David, Meat helps our muscles to grow and it gives us energy so we can do the things we need to do.”

“I know!  Milk helps our eyes to see well, huh, Dad?!”

“Well, Christa, milk actually helps our teeth and bones to grow.  Carrots help our eyes to see well.”

“Then why do we eat trees?  (“Trees” = broccoli in 4-year-old language)

“David, Daddy already told us!  “Trees” are food and food helps us grow big and strong!”

“But trees don’t make me hungry!”

I recently ran across this conversation that took place at our dinner table years ago when our children were young.  Apparently, our son, David, didn’t like broccoli very much.

I’m glad to report that our children grew up “big and strong”.  Apparently we fed them what they needed . . . plenty of proteins and calcium and “trees” and the other foods their bodies needed to form and grow.  No doubt, there was some sugar and salt sprinkled in from time to time.  But, as is true with any caring parent, my wife and I were careful to feed our children healthy foods and teach them good eating habits . . . whether they liked it or not.  We need food – good food – to help us grow big and strong.  It pays off in the long run.

When writing his second letter, St. Peter began by giving a blessing in verse 2.  “Grace and peace be yours in abundance through the knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord.” 

Notice the order of things!  As we grow in our “knowledge” of God, He gives us grace (His undeserved kindness) and peace (assurance that we belong to Him and He will never leave us). Not only does He give us His grace and peace, but He promises to give it “in abundance!” Our awesome, all-powerful, all-knowing, ever-present, and loving God promises it!

How do we grow in this knowledge of God?  We spend time getting to know Him.  We need a steady diet of the good things He offers – His word and His sacraments.  Sometimes we are tempted to slack off and we need others to hold us accountable and encourage us along.  Once again, God has come to the rescue and gave us the church . . . fellow brothers and sisters who will walk alongside us.

Those “trees” were served along with other healthy foods.  As parents, we held our children accountable, making sure they ate healthy diets.  Not just once in a while.  Consistently.  It was good for them . . . and it was good for us!

God’s gives His gifts because He loves us!  He desires what’s best for us.  So come! “Taste and see that the Lord is good”!  Come, feast upon His word.  Experience His love!  Gather with His people!

It’s good for you!  And it’s good for us!

In Him,


“But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus, Christ.  To Him be the glory…!”   2 Peter 3:18

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