

God saw all that He made and it was very good.        Genesis 1:31 Last weekend, my daughter, Jasmine, and her husband, David, took my husband, Joel, and myself on a mountain adventure. They had...


As you are aware, we had our Community BBQ on Sunday, August 25th. I love our BBQ because it gives us a chance to sit down with friends, family and a fair amount of...

Rome Wasn’t Built in a Day

“Rome wasn’t built in a day” is a phrase that is not enjoyable to hear for an impatient person. It reminds us that things that are worth the effort take time. In my quick...

What’s Good For Us

“Dad, if I eat my meat, it will help my teeth and bones to grow white and hard . . . right?!” “No, David, Meat helps our muscles to grow and it gives us...

Sunday Mornings

I love Sunday mornings. I have always liked them, but the time grows sweeter as I live and grow in Jesus. One of my favorite things about our gathered time of worship is hearing...

The Ripple Effect of Acts of Service

In a world that often feels fast and overwhelming, there’s something truly magical about taking a step back, slowing down, and embracing the opportunity to serve others. Acts of service are like little love...

Thy Will Be Done

Dear Family of Peace, I’m not sure there is a harder prayer in life to pray than, “Thy will be done.” Have you struggled with this kind of prayer in your life? For those of...

God is in Control

My goodness; the world seems to be spinning and bouncing around in a lot of crazy ways lately! Seems like the last few weekends have been full of unexpected, unprecedented, unpleasant, unChristian, uncomfortable, un(youfillintheblank)...


Last month, I had the opportunity to visit 5 Major League Baseball parks in 6 days. Kind of baseball overload, if there can be such a thing! What an amazing “community” I’ve found at a...

The Power of the Word

I think we often underestimate the power of the spoken word. As I write this, I’m sitting in a Starbucks finishing up my sermon for Sunday. I happened to catch the eyes of a baristan...