
Shining Jesus’ Light

At the beginning of June, Peace hosted over 200 children for our annual Vacation Bible School. It was five activity-packed mornings, in which the children learned all about how they could Shine Jesus’ Light to the...

Left Behind

As most of you know, I love baseball. In fact, I loved the game so much, I either played or coached for over 60 years. I’m still coaching but somehow I feel as though...

Jesus Loves the Little Children

Yesterday my neighbor’s daughter came over to play with my youngest son, as they do most days. I asked her if she was loving Vacation Bible School as it’s her first time. With complete...

A Father’s Touch

I heard a shriek and turned my head to see what caused my granddaughter such joy.  No, it wasn’t a shriek of terror.  Instead, it was – indeed – a shriek of joy.  But...

To Your Health

Today I am sitting on my patio surrounded by blankets and pillows and tissues and water – feeling a bit sorry for myself as I’ve come down with a nasty cold. One of the...

Catechizing? Why Not Just Teach?

The further I get into ministry, it seems to get harder the more experienced I become. I try things, they work. I try the same thing again, it doesn’t work. I try something new,...

What Are You Doing?

A few years ago before we moved to Colorado, my family went on a summer trip to Santa Fe. We were looking for something quick to do on our way home, hopefully a pool because...


Of all God’s creations, I find the eye to be one of the most incredible.  You can be the “apple of someone’s eye”, you can “keep an eye out” for something, you can try...

3 in 1 – The Holy Trinity

Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one. Deuteronomy 6:4 Therefore, go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,   Matthew 28:19...

Me Do! Daddy Do!

Someone once told me, “I know why God gave you children.  So you would have material for your lessons.”  Oh, how true that is!  I learned so much from my children.  And now God...