Sheryl Hofmeister

I Just Want to be a Sheep

Over MLK Weekend, I was able to share an awesome experience with a great group of students and chaperones. I’ve been excited about being able to go snowboarding with the kids for quite a...

The Fruit of The Spirit

Man, 2023 already starting out as a doozy for anyone else? Let me tell you what, it feels like there wasn’t any time to rest even over the Holidays! As you know we just...

Hope for the New Year

Entering a new year often causes me to reflect on what has been and wonder what will be. 733 O God, Our Help in Ages Past O God, our help in ages past Our...

White as Snow

It’s been a while since I’ve had a White Christmas, and it was pretty fun to experience. Levi really enjoyed the snow for his first Christmas.  Now I know that it wasn’t snowy on...

A New Year’s Challenge

For awhile now, I have been searching for a way to make daily Bible study a non-negotiable part of my day. Over the years, I have done many different things from just sitting down...

Christmas Reflections

Like so many people, this time of year makes me reflect on old friends, family and Christmas past.  I think back to my childhood and all the Christmas’s with my family and all the...

Tis the Season

Last year I was in a little Christmas funk, I kept thinking I have to go to this program, I have to go back to the grocery store again, I have to go to...

In the Fullness of Time

It was cold!  It was SO cold!  It was Christmas Eve and our first child wasn’t yet a year old. Growing up, it had always been a family tradition to spend an evening driving...

My Share

Have you ever gotten jealous? Maybe of a coworker, a peer, heck, even a spouse? I have, and I know this isn’t fun to admit, but if we’re being honest here, I’ve thought I...

Shallow Thankfulness

788 Forgive Us, Lord, for Shallow Thankfulness Forgive us, Lord, for shallow thankfulness, For dull content with warmth and sheltered care, For songs of praise for food and harvest press, While of Your richer...