As you are aware, we had our Community BBQ on Sunday, August 25th. I love our BBQ because it gives us a chance to sit down with friends, family and a fair amount of strangers. This year was no different with the number of attendees ranging from 350-400.
Set-up for this amount of people is always a challenge. We had 6 very large tents, 32 tables and over 350 chairs. We also had 3 large gas barbeques, games and 3 large blow-up castles including a water slide. The majority of the props were set-up on Saturday with the remainder on Sunday, along with a car show.
I had several fantastic volunteers which really reduced the “set-up” time but I didn’t use them to their full potential thinking I could do the majority of the set-up by myself. (foolish indeed!) The sun was unbelievably hot on those days but even more unfortunate, I didn’t wear a hat and was very negligent in monitoring my water intake. (you can see where this is going). Now remember, the human body is about 65% water and to maintain that percentage, a man must consume about a gallon of water a day, (a little less for a female) and it’s recommended that an “unprotected” male should only be in the sun for about 25 min. Lord have mercy! I broke all the rules! Needless to say, I was a very sick boy for about 5 days. My singing voice may never be the same!
During my convalescence, I was thinking, how I can “blog” about this situation? My doctor said “FOLLOW THE RULES!” “Get 1 hour of sleep for every 2 that I’m awake, drink a gallon of water a day and use sun PROTECTION ALONG WITH SUN BLOCK!! Then I thought, isn’t that how we are as Christians sometimes? We think we can do it ourselves, as Pastor Guy says, we just keep God on a shelf until we really need Him, and sometimes we don’t ask for help from other Christians. Jesus offers us “Living Water.” John 4:14 says: ”Whoever drinks the water I give them will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life.” Isaiah 4 tells us that the Lord “provided a canopy that was a shelter and shade from the heat of the day” and “protection at night”.
The Lord takes care of us, He provides for us, we just have to remember where we can find these provisions and depend on Him whether our needs are physical or spiritual!
In Him!
Kent, Operations Manager